
WGA Rescources

Ophthalmologica 6

Showing records 1 to 6 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmologica

11285 Review of the ischemia hypothesis for ocular hypertension other than congenital glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma
Nakabayashi M
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 344-349
11397 Angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion-deletion polymorphism in primary open-angle glaucoma
Ozkur M; Erbagci I; Gungor K; Nacak M; Aynacioglu S; Bekir NA
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 415-418
11393 Prostaglandin analogs and blood-aqueous barrier integrity: a flare cell meter study
Cellini M; Caramazza R; Bonsanto D; Bernabini B; Campos EC
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 312-317
11410 Retinal peripapillary blood flow before and after topical brinzolamide
Iester M; Altieri M; Michelson G; Vittone P; Traverso CE; Calabria G
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 390-396
11395 Immunomodulatory therapy in ophthalmology - is there a place for topical application?
Bertelmann E; Pleyer U
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 359-367
11394 Ciliary body adenoma after application of mitomycin
Mietz H; Seifert P; Krieglstein GK
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 356-358

Issue 6-3

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