

Survey of Ophthalmology 24

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5167 Introduction comments on blood flow autoregulation in the optic nerve head and vascular risk factors in glaucoma
Anderson DR
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S5-S9
5170 Potential role of nitric oxide and endothelin in the pathogenesis of glaucoma
Haefliger IO; Dettmann E; Liu R; Meyer P; Prünte C; Messerli J; Flammer J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S51-S58
5171 Vascular aspects in the pathophysiology of glaucomatous optic neuropathy
Hak Sung Chung; Harris A; Evans DW; Kagemann L; Garzozi HJ; Martin B
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S43-S50
5174 Nitric oxide: A potential mediator of retinal ganglion cell damage in glaucoma
Neufeld AH
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S129-S135
5175 Apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells in glaucoma: An update of the molecular pathways involved in cell death
Nickels RW
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S151-S161
5180 An experimental basis for implicating excitotoxicity in glaucomatous optic neuropathy
Vorwerk CK; Gorla MSR; Dreyer EB
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S142-S150
5213 Optic disk appearances in primary open-angle glaucoma
Broadway DC; Nicolela MT; Drance SM
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S223-S243
5261 Objective perimetry in glaucoma: Recent advances with multifocal stimuli
Graham SL; Klistorner A; Grigg JR; Billson FA
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S199-S209
5276 Visual field responses to a hand vibration stimulus
Chai E; Goldberg I; Chia A; Chen J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S79-S86
5283 Optic disk appearances in primary open-angle glaucoma
Goldberg I; Chai E; Chia A; Benscher C; Bauman A; Chen J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S66-S68
5286 Modulation of Heidelberg Retinal Flowmeter parameter flow at the papilla of healthy subjects: Effect of carbogen, oxygen, high intraocular pressure, and β-blockers
Haefliger IO; Lietz A; Griesser SM; Ulrich A; Schötzau A; Hendrickson P; Flammer J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S59-S65
5296 Physiology of perfusion as it relates to the optic nerve head
Orgül S; Gugleta K; Flammer J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S17-S26
5299 Laser Doppler flowmetry of the optic nerve head in glaucoma
Piltz-Seymour JR
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S191-S198
5300 Color Doppler imaging of the retrobulbar circulation in glaucoma
Rankin SJA
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S176-S182
5323 Nocturnal hypotension: Role in glaucoma progression
Graham SL; Drance SM
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S10-S16
5324 The role of age and cardiovascular disease in glaucomatous optic neuropathy
Hayreh SS
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S27-S42
5408 Retinal ganglion cell dysfunction induced by hypoxia and glutamate: Potential neuroprotective effects of β-blockers
Gross RL; Hensley SH; Wu SM
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S162-S170
5409 In vitro studies of the effects of β-adrenergic drugs on retinal and posterior ciliary microarteries
Hoste AM
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S183-S190
5413 Periocular accumulation of timolol and betaxolol in glaucoma patients under long-term therapy
Sponsel WE; Terry S; Khuu HD; Kwok-Wai Lam; Frenzel H
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S210-S218
5438 Systemic and ocular vascular roles of the antiglaucoma agents β-adrenergic antagonists and Ca2+ entry blockers
Dao-Yi Yu; Er-Ning Su; Cringle SJ; Alder VA; Yu PK; DeSantis L
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S214-S222
5444 Direct and indirect approaches to neuroprotective therapy of glaucomatous optic neuropathy
Levin LA
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S98-S101
5446 Neuroprotection in relation to retinal ischemia and relevance to glaucoma
Osborne NN; Ugarte M; Chao M; Chidlow G; Bae JH; Wood JPM; Nash MS
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S102-S128
5454 A perspective of gene therapy in the glaucomas
Kaufman PL; Jia WWG; Tan J; Chen Z; Gabelt BT; Booth V; Tufaro F; Cynader M
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S91-S97
5510 Suprachoroidal hemorrhage
Chu TG; Green RL
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43: 471-486

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