

JAMA ophthalmology 6

Showing records 1 to 6 | Display all abstracts in JAMA ophthalmology

53482 Prevalence of glaucoma in an urban West African population: the Tema Eye Survey
Budenz DL; Barton K; Whiteside-De Vos J; Schiffman J; Bandi J; Nolan W; Herndon L; Kim H; Hay-Smith G; Tielsch JM;
JAMA ophthalmology 2013; 131: 651-658
53879 Neovascular Glaucoma Treatment With Extraction of Anterior Chamber Fibrovascular Tissue
Nadal J; Carreras E; Kudsieh B; Canut M
JAMA ophthalmology 2013; 0: 1-3
53545 Three-month randomized trial of fixed-combination brinzolamide, 1%, and brimonidine, 0.2%
Katz G; DuBiner H; Samples J; Vold S; Sall K
JAMA ophthalmology 2013; 131: 724-730
53948 Phase 1 Clinical Trials of a Selective Rho Kinase Inhibitor, K-115
Tanihara H; Inoue T; Yamamoto T; Kuwayama Y; Abe H; Araie M;
JAMA ophthalmology 2013; 0: 1-8
53481 Anterior chamber bleeding after laser peripheral iridotomy
Golan S; Levkovitch-Verbin H; Shemesh G; Kurtz S
JAMA ophthalmology 2013; 131: 626-629
53774 Forniceal conjunctival pedicle flap for the treatment of complex glaucoma drainage device tube erosion
Grover DS; Merritt J; Godfrey DG; Fellman RL
JAMA ophthalmology 2013; 131: 662-666

Issue 15-2

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