

Ophthalmology 19

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3412 Motion artifacts in scanning laser polarimetry
Colen TP; Lemij HG
Ophthalmology 2002; 09: 1568-72
3418 Assessment of optic disc anatomy and nerve fiber layer thickness in ocular hypertensive subjects with normal short-wavelength automated perimetry
Mistlberger A; Liebmann JM; Greenfield DS; Hoh ST; Ishikawa H; Marmor M; Ritch R
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1362-1366
3434 Intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility in the evaluation of optic disc stereometric parameters by Heidelberg Retina Tomograph
Miglior S; Albe E; Guareschi M; Rossetti L; Orzalesi N
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1072-1077
3460 Reliability of proton and goldmann applanation tonometers in normal and postkeratoplasty eyes
Pandav SS; Sharma A; Gupta A; Sharma SK; Patnaik B
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 979-984
3461 Frequency of asymmetric intraocular pressure fluctuations among patients with and without glaucoma
Realini T; Barber L; Burton D
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1367-1371
3487 Detection of optic neuropathy in glaucomatous eyes with normal standard visual fields using a test battery of short-wavelength automated perimetry and pattern electroretinography
Bayer AU; Maag KP; Erb C
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1350-1361
3489 Sensitivity and specificity of the Swedish interactive threshold algorithm for glaucomatous visual field defects
Budenz DL; Rhee P; Feuer WJ; McSoley J; Johnson CA; Anderson DR
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1052-1058
3494 Infrequent confirmation of visual field progression
Lee AC; Sample PA; Blumenthal EZ; Berry C; Zangwill L; Weinreb RN
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1059-1065
3498 Short wavelength automated perimetry, frequency doubling technology perimetry, and pattern electroretinography for prediction of progressive glaucomatous standard visual field defects
Bayer AU; Erb C
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1009-1017
3509 Five-year incidence of open-angle glaucoma: the visual impairment project
Mukesh BN; McCarty CA; Rait JL; Taylor HR
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1047-1051
3570 Comparison of travoprost 0.0015% and 0.004% with timolol 0.5% in patients with elevated intraocular pressure: a six-month, masked, multicenter trial
Fellman RL; Sullivan EK; Ratliff M; Silver LH; Whitson JT; Turner FD; Weiner AL; Davis AA
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 998-1008
3656 Risk profile of deep sclerectomy for treatment of refractory congenital glaucomas
Luke C; Dietlein TS; Jacobi PC; Konen W; Krieglstein GK
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1066-1071
3669 Efficacy and safety of mitomycin C in primary trabeculectomy: five-year follow-up
Bindlish R; Condon GP; Schlosser JD; D'Antonio J; Lauer KB; Lehrer R
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1336-1341; discussion 1341-1342
3676 Intraoperative episcleral versus postoperative topical application of mitomycin-C for trabeculectomies
Mietz H; Jacobi PC; Krieglstein GK
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1343-1349
3682 Trabeculectomies in fellow eyes have an increased risk of tenon's capsule cysts
Mietz H; Jacobi PC; Welsandt G; Krieglstein GK
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 992-997
3683 Delayed onset bleb-associated endophthalmitis: clinical features and visual acuity outcomes
Song A; Scott IU; Flynn Jr HW; Budenz DL
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 985-991
3635 Supplemental transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation after aqueous shunt placement in refractory glaucoma
Semchyshyn TM; Tsai JC; Joos KM
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1078-1084
3691 Trends in glaucoma surgery incidence and reimbursement for physician services in the Medicare population from 1995 to 1998
Paikal D; Yu F; Coleman AL
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1372-1376
3695 Depression in patients with glaucoma as measured by self-report surveys
Wilson MR; Coleman AL; Yu F; Fong Sasaki I; Bing EG; Kim MH
Ophthalmology 2002; 109: 1018-1022

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