

American Journal of Ophthalmology 13

Showing records 1 to 13 | Display all abstracts in American Journal of Ophthalmology

9078 Analysis of macular volume in normal and glaucomatous eyes using optical coherence tomography
Lederer DE; Schuman JS; Hertzmark E; Heltzer JM; Velazques LJ; Fujimoto JG; Mattox C
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 838-843
9090 Detection of glaucomatous visual field changes using the Moorfields regression analysis of the Heidelberg retina tomograph
Miglior S; Guareschi M; Albe E; Gomarasca S; Vavassori M; Orzalesi N
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 26-33
9202 Is reading disability likely to interfere with glaucoma screening of adults using frequency-doubling technology perimetry?
Edwards JD; De Leon Ortega J; Bearden WH; Rumble ME; Girkin CA
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 816-820
9213 Multifocal visual evoked potential responses in glaucoma patients with unilateral hemifield defects
Thienprasiddhi P; Greenstein VC; Chen CS; Liebmann JM; Ritch R; Hood DC
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 34-40
9168 Rate of progression of glaucoma correlates with retrobulbar circulation and intraocular pressure
Satilmis M; Orgul S; Doubler B; Flammer J
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 664-669
9219 The Ahmed drainage implant in the treatment of pediatric glaucoma
Morad Y; Donaldson CE; Kim YM; Abdolell M; Levin AV
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 821-829
9246 A case of angle closure glaucoma caused by plateau iris and Adie's pupil
Kawana K; Okamoto F; Nose H; Oshika T
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 717-718
9243 Uveal effusion and angle-closure glaucoma in primary pulmonary hypertension
Krohn J; Bjune C
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 705-706
9259 What is the risk of developing pigmentary glaucoma from pigment dispersion syndrome?
Siddiqui Y; Ten Hulzen RD; Cameron JD; Hodge DO; Johnson DH
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 794-799
8924 Glaucoma clinical trials and what they mean for our patients
Lichter PR
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 136-145
8963 Increased periocular pigmentation with ocular hypotensive lipid use in African Americans
Herndon LW; Williams RD; Wand M; Asrani S
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 713-715
9021 Pupil dilation with intracameral 1% lidocaine during glaucoma filtering surgery
Lee JJ; Moster MR; Henderer JD; Membreno JH
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 201-203
9070 Medical therapy cost considerations for glaucoma
Fiscella RG; Green A; Patuszynski DH; Wilensky JT
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 18-25

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