

Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 8

Showing records 1 to 8 | Display all abstracts in Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie

6759 Eye tension and open angle glaucoma in a Burkina Faso hospital
Daboue A; Meda ND; Ahnoux Zabsonre A
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2002; 25: 39-41
6771 Drugs and closed-angle glaucoma risk
Pozzi D; Giraud C; Callanquin M
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2002; 25: 91-101
6781 Weill Marchesani syndrome: a case report
El Kettani A; Hamdani M; Rais L; El Belhadji M; Rachid R; Laouissi N; Zaghloul K; Amraoui A
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2001; 24: 944-948
6793 Posttraumatic glaucoma
Ammar OCB; Chaker N; Soukah M; Asmi W; El Matri L
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2002; 25: 126-129
6801 Intraocular high pressure in thyroid-associated orbitopathy: physiopathological mechanisms, diagnosis, and management: three case reports
Ayed HB; Hamedani M; Bok C; Barraco P; Oubaaz A; Morax S
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2002; 25: 15-22
6817 Clinically isolated morning glory syndrome
Schneider C; Cayrol D; Arnaud B; Schmitt Bernard CF
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2002; 25: 178-181
6897 Comparison between Greenbaum's parabulbar anesthesia and Ripart's subtenon anesthesia in the anterior segment surgery
De La Marnierre E; Mage F; Alberti M; Batisse JL; Baltenneck A
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2002; 25: 161-165
6901 Evaluation of single-injection caruncular sub-Tenon's anesthesia
Merle H; Suchocki D; Donnio A; Gerard M; Richer R; Godbille C
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2002; 25: 130-134

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