

Turkish journal of ophthalmology 15

Showing records 1 to 15 | Display all abstracts in Turkish journal of ophthalmology

107928 Sphenoid Bone Dysplasia: A Rare Cause of Compressive Optic Neuropathy Mimicking Glaucoma
Kıyat P
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 70-73
108454 Factors Affecting the Incidence of Ptosis after Trabeculectomy
Malkoç Şen E
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 85-90
108455 Audiometric Evaluation of the Relationship between Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Chronic Glaucoma
Gülyeşil FF
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 105-110
107927 Improvement of Prostaglandin-Associated Periorbitopathy after Discontinuing Treatment
Abalo-Lojo JM
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 8-12
107928 Sphenoid Bone Dysplasia: A Rare Cause of Compressive Optic Neuropathy Mimicking Glaucoma
Top Kartı D
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 70-73
108455 Audiometric Evaluation of the Relationship between Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Chronic Glaucoma
Doğan M
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 105-110
108454 Factors Affecting the Incidence of Ptosis after Trabeculectomy
Serbest Ceylanoğlu K
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 85-90
107927 Improvement of Prostaglandin-Associated Periorbitopathy after Discontinuing Treatment
Ferreiro PV
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 8-12
108455 Audiometric Evaluation of the Relationship between Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Chronic Glaucoma
Sabaner MC
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 105-110
107928 Sphenoid Bone Dysplasia: A Rare Cause of Compressive Optic Neuropathy Mimicking Glaucoma
Esen Ö
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 70-73
107927 Improvement of Prostaglandin-Associated Periorbitopathy after Discontinuing Treatment
Asorey MK; Colmenero AE
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 8-12
107928 Sphenoid Bone Dysplasia: A Rare Cause of Compressive Optic Neuropathy Mimicking Glaucoma
Kartı Ö
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 70-73
108455 Audiometric Evaluation of the Relationship between Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Chronic Glaucoma
Gobeka HH; Kınar A
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 105-110
107927 Improvement of Prostaglandin-Associated Periorbitopathy after Discontinuing Treatment
Gonzalez F
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 8-12
108455 Audiometric Evaluation of the Relationship between Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Chronic Glaucoma
Ulu Ş
Turkish journal of ophthalmology 2023; 53: 105-110

Issue 23-4

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