

Cornea 7

Showing records 1 to 7 | Display all abstracts in Cornea

3427 Topographical analysis of corneal astigmatism in patients with tilted-disc syndrome
Bozkurt B; Irkec M; Gedik S; Orhan M; Erdener U
Cornea 2002; 21: 458-462
3516 Subepithelial corneal amyloid deposits in a case of congenital glaucoma: a case report
Vemuganti GK; Mandal AK
Cornea 2002; 21: 315-317
3552 A study of glaucoma after penetrating keratoplasty
Franca ET; Arcieri ES; Arcieri RS; Rocha FJ
Cornea 2002; 21: 284-288
3553 Immune cells in the anterior chamber of patients with immune reactions after penetrating keratoplasty
Reinhard T; Bocking A; Pomjanski N; Sundmacher R
Cornea 2002; 21: 56-61
3554 Long-term follow-up of intraocular pressure after penetrating keratoplasty for keratoconus and Fuchs' dystrophy: comparison of mechanical and excimer laser trephination
Seitz B; Langenbucher A; Nguyen NX; Kuchle M; Naumann GOH
Cornea 2002; 21: 368-373
3661 Fungal keratitis after nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery
Tamcelik N; Ozdamar A; Kizilkaya M; Devranoglu K; Ustundag C; Demirkesen C
Cornea 2002; 21: 532-534
3671 Corneal endothelial damage after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in two patients with glaucoma with cornea guttata
Fukuchi T; Hayakawa Y; Hara H; Abe H
Cornea 2002; 21: 300-304

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