

Cornea 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts in Cornea

17187 Effects of glaucoma medications on corneal endothelium, keratocytes, and subbasal nerves among participants in the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study
Baratz KH; Nau CB; Winter EJ; McLaren JW; Hodge DO; Herman DC; Bourne WM
Cornea 2006; 25: 1046-1052
17163 Corneal toxicity from topical ocular and systemic medications
Fraunfelder FW
Cornea 2006; 25: 1133-1138
17050 Relationship between travoprost and central corneal thickness in ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma
Harasymowycz PJ; Papamatheakis DG; Ennis M; Brady M; Gordon KD; Archambault P; Bazin G; Boucher S; Brochu J; Charbonneau A
Cornea 2007; 26: 34-41

Issue 9-1

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