

Brain Research Bulletin 10

Showing records 1 to 10 | Display all abstracts in Brain Research Bulletin

10507 Heat shock proteins, immunity and glaucoma
Tezel G; Yang J; Wax MB
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 473-480
10246 Neuro-glial interactions in the adult rat retina after reaxotomy of ganglion cells: examination of neuron survival and phagocytic microglia using fluorescent tracers
Schuetz E; Thanos S
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 391-396
10510 Effects of axonal injury on ganglion cell survival and glutamate homeostasis
Vorwerk CK; Zurakowski D; McDermott LM; Mawrin C; Dreyer EB
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 485-490
10506 Alpha-fodrin is cleaved by caspase-3 in a chronic ocular hypertensive (COH) rat model of glaucoma
Tahzib NG; Ransom NL; Reitsamer HA; McKinnon SJ
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 491-495
10457 Pathogenetic aspects of the glaucomatous optic neuropathy: fluorescein angiographic findings in patients with primary open angle glaucoma
Arend O; Plange N; Sponsel WE; Remky A
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 517-524
10493 Effectiveness of levobetaxolol and timolol at blunting retinal ischaemia is related to their calcium and sodium blocking activities: relevance to glaucoma
Osborne NN; Wood JPM; Chidlow G; Casson R; DeSantis L; Schmidt KG
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 525-528
10459 Neuroprotection in ophthalmology: a review
Barkana Y; Belkin M
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 447-453
10489 Pharmacological neuroprotection with an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase for the treatment of glaucoma
Neufeld AH
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 455-459
10501 Optic nerve crush: protection and regeneration
Schwartz M
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 467-471
10500 Vaccination for glaucoma: dream or reality?
Schwartz M
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 481-484

Issue 6-1

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