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Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 7

Showing records 1 to 7 | Display all abstracts in Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology

10287 Concentration of transforming growth factor-β2 in the aqueous humor
Majima K; Yamamoto N; Itonaga K; Kiribuchi K; Inuzuka H; Haki K
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 61-64
10331 Factors for variable readings of intraocular pressure dependent on different tonometric methods
Oshida A; Yamazaki Y; Ishibashi I; Hayamizu F; Nakagami T; Tanaka C
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2003; 57: 1827-1830
10443 Endoscopic observation of exfoliation syndrome
Minami M; Adachi Y; Nakamura T; Koike N; Takahashi H
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 199-203
10448 Outcome five years after surgery for neovascular glaucoma secondary to proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Kono T; Takesue Y; Shiga S
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 181-185
10143 Hypotensive effect of unoprostone as adjunct to latanoprost during multiple drug therapy for glaucoma
Kobayashi H; Iwakiri R; Kobayashi K; Okinami S
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 193-197
10153 Hypotensive effect and subjective symptoms after substitution of 1% dorzolamide by 1% brinzolamide
Kobayashi H; Kobayashi K; Okinami S
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 205-209
10223 Outcome of nonpenetrating trabeculectomy for glaucoma
Murakami T; Miyamoto H; Kurakazu T; Hata Y
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 187-191

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