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Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 10

Showing records 1 to 10 | Display all abstracts in Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology

10887 Evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer using an optical coherence tomography (OCT3)
Unno T; Oga D; Ito K; Kishi S
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 991-995
10797 Reproducibility of a newly developed peripheral anterior chamber depth analysis system
Osada K; Kashiwagi K; Tagawa K; Nakayama J
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 715-718
10919 Summation of biocular visual field in glaucoma patients
Yamakawa Y; Shoji N; Kawai H; Tsutsui K; Shimizu K
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 1193-1198
10540 Discrepancies between visual field and disc findings in two cases of optic nerve hypoplasia with open-angle glaucoma
Ando A; Oyama N; Yasuda M; Matsumura M
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 315-320
10685 Addition of topical bunazosin to latanoprost in multiple medical treatment for glaucoma
Iwakiri R; Kobayashi H; Kobayashi K; Okinami S
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 359-362
10718 Safety and efficacy of unoprostone switched from latanoprost in patients with latanoprost-induced side effects
Kuga H; Miyauchi O; Fujimoto N; Sato E; Yamamoto S; Takeda N; Yamazaki H; Watanabe Y; Amaya K
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 1187-1191
10716 Ocular hypotensive effect of brinzolamide after switching from dorzolamide
Kubota M; Hara T; Kubota S; Hashimoto T; Tsuru-T
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 301-303
10896 Short-term hypotensive effect of additional brinzolamide in glaucoma treatment
Wada S-A; Inoue K; Wakakura M; Inouye J; Tomita G
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 931-935
10871 Cases with functioning blebs fifty years after full-thickness filtering surgery
Tatewaki S; Kimoto K; Choshi T; Nakatsuka K
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 1299-1302
10767 Outcome of viscocanalostomy for glaucoma
Miyake S
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2004; 58: 349-353

Issue 6-2

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