

Ophthalmologe 6

Showing records 1 to 6 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmologe

10655 Aqueous humor dynamics
Grub M; Mielke J
Ophthalmologe 2004; 101: 357-65
10787 Digital planimetry for long-term follow-up of glaucomatous optic disk injuries in patients with normal pressure glaucoma
Nguyen NX; Meindl C; Horn FK; Dzialach M; Langenbucher A; Junemann A; Mardin CY
Ophthalmologe 2004; 101: 589-94
10692 Reproducibility of goniometry with slitlamp-adapted optical coherence tomography
Karandish A; Wirbelauer C; Haberle H; Pham-DT
Ophthalmologe 2004; 101: 608-613
10748 Follow-up examination of eyes with chronic open-angle glaucoma and optic disc hemorrhages
Martus P; Harder B; Budde WM; Jonas JB
Ophthalmologe 2004; 101: 505-8
10834 Deep sclerectomy using a hyaluronate implant versus trabeculectomy. A comparison of two glaucoma operations using mitomycin C
Schwenn O; Springer C; Troost A; Yun SH; Pfeiffer N
Ophthalmologe 2004; 101: 696-704
10652 Combined glaucoma-cataract surgery
Grehn F; Klink T
Ophthalmologe 2004; 101: 661-666

Issue 6-2

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