

Eye 18

Showing records 1 to 18 | Display all abstracts in Eye

11841 Varying Effects of Corneal Thickness on Intraocular Pressure Measurements with Different Tonometers
Ko1 Y-C; Liu CJ; Hsu WM
Eye 2005; 19: 327-332
11947 The prevalence and associated features of posterior embryotoxon in the general ophthalmic clinic
Rennie CA; Chowdhury S; Khan J; Rajan F; Jordan K; Lamb RJ; Vivian AJ
Eye 2005; 19: 396-399
11700 Inter-device reproducibility of the scanning laser polarimeter with variable cornea compensation
Blumenthal EZ; Frenkel S
Eye 2005; 19: 308-311
11834 Comparison between fixed-angle and customised corneal-polarisation compensation methods in scanning laser polarimetric measurement of the retinal nerve fibre layer in glaucoma
Katsanos A; Kóthy P; Holló G
Eye 2005; 19: 152-158
12032 Relationship of Gender, Body Mass Index, and Axial Length with Central Retinal Thickness Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Wong ACM; Chan CWN; Hui SP
Eye 2005; 19: 292-297
12002 Is poor life expectancy a predictive factor in the progression of primary open angle glaucoma?
Tattersall CL; Vernon SA; Negi A
Eye 2005; 19: 387-391
11697 Prospective survey of adverse reactions to topical antiglaucoma medications in a hospital population
Bhatt R; Whittaker KW; Appaswamy S; Desai A; Fitt A; Sandramouli S
Eye 2005; 19: 392-395
11923 Alphagan allergy may increase the propensity for multiple eye-drop allergy
Osborne SA; Montgomery DMI; Morris D; McKay IC
Eye 2005; 19: 129-137
11977 Brimonidine 0.2% vs unoprostone 0.15% both added to timolol maleate 0.5% given twice daily to patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension
Sharpe ED; Henry CJ; Mundorf TK; Day DG; Stewart JA; Jenkins JN; Stewart WC
Eye 2005; 19: 35-40
11667 Comparison of additional intraocular pressure-lowering effects of latanoprost vs brimonidine in primary open-angle glaucoma patients with intraocular pressure uncontrolled by timolol-dorzolamide combination
Akman A; Cetinkaya A; Akova YA; Ertan A
Eye 2005; 19: 145-151
11750 Comparing the effects of travoprost and brinzolamide on intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification
Ermis SS; Ozturk F; Inan UU
Eye 2005; 19: 303-307
11805 A review of trabeculectomy in East Asian people - the influence of race
Husain R; Clarke JCK; Seah SKL; Khaw PT
Eye 2005; 19: 243-252
11729 The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve in Refractory Glaucoma: experiences in Indian Eyes
Das JC; Chaudhuri Z; Sharma P; S Bhomaj S
Eye 2005; 19: 183-190
11675 Deep sclerectomy augmented with mitomycin C
Anand N; Atherley C
Eye 2005; 19: 442-450
11975 Deep sclerectomy in one eye vs deep sclerectomy with collagen implant in the contralateral eye of the same patient: long-term follow-up
Shaarawy T; Mermoud A
Eye 2005; 19: 298-302
11882 Topical application of autologous serum for the treatment of late-onset aqueous oozing or point-leak through filtering bleb
Matsuo H; Tomidokoro A; Tomita G; Araie M
Eye 2005; 19: 23-28
12023 Spontaneous inferior subconjunctival haemorrhages in association with circumferential drainage blebs
Wells AP; Marks J; Khaw PT
Eye 2005; 19: 269-272
11986 Diode laser trans-scleral cyclophotocoagulation in the management of glaucoma in patients with long-term intravitreal silicone oil
Sivagnanavel V; Ortiz-Hurtado A; Williamson TH
Eye 2005; 19: 253-257

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