

Eye 14

Showing records 1 to 14 | Display all abstracts in Eye

13401 Comparison of intraocular pressure measured by Pascal dynamic contour tonometry and Goldmann applanation tonometry
Ku JY; Danesh-Meyer HV; Craig JP; Gamble GD; McGhee CN
Eye 2006; 20: 191-198
13405 Contamination of disposable tonometer prisms during tonometry
Rajak SN; Paul J; Sharma V; Vickers S
Eye 2006; 20: 358-361
13402 Finding cases of angle-closure glaucoma in clinic setting using a newly developed instrument
Kashiwagi K; Kashiwagi F; Hiejima Y; Tsukahara S
Eye 2006; 20: 319-324
13394 Pointwise linear progression criteria and the detection of visual field change in a glaucoma trial
Wilkins MR; Fitzke FW; Khaw PT
Eye 2006; 20: 98-106
13403 Combined trabeculotomy and trabeculectomy in advanced primary developmental glaucoma with corneal diameter of 14 mm or more
Mandal AK; Matalia JH; Nutheti R; Krishnaiah S
Eye 2006; 20: 135-143
13382 Angle-closure glaucoma in East Asian and European people. Different diseases?
He M; Foster PJ; Johnson GJ; Khaw PT
Eye 2006; 20: 3-12
13368 To compare argon laser peripheral iridoplasty (ALPI) against systemic medications in treatment of acute primary angle-closure: mid-term results
Lai JS; Tham CC; Chua JK; Poon AS; Chan JC; Lam SW; Lam DS
Eye 2006; 20: 309-314
13400 Resting pulse rates in a glaucoma clinic: the effect of topical and systemic β-blocker usage
Tattersall C; Vernon S; Singh R
Eye 2006; 20: 221-225
13398 Ahmed valve implantation in glaucoma secondary to chronic uveitis
Ozdal PC; Vianna RN; Deschenes J
Eye 2006; 20: 178-183
13404 Control of intraocular pressure after deep sclerectomy
Khairy HA; Green FD; Nassar MK; Azuara-Blanco A
Eye 2006; 20: 336-340
13399 Long-term intraocular pressure control of eyes that developed encapsulated blebs following trabeculectomy
Costa VP; Arcieri ES; Freitas TG
Eye 2006; 20: 304-308
13370 Diode laser transcleral cyclophotocoagulation for refractory glaucoma: a 1 year follow-up of patients treated using an aggressive protocol
Noureddin BN; Zein W; Haddad C; Ma'luf R; Bashshur Z
Eye 2006; 20: 329-335
13396 Pig eye trabeculectomy-a wet-lab teaching model
Lee GA; Chiang MY; Shah P
Eye 2006; 20: 32-37
13397 Eyetrack (ET) vs the conventional paper record (CPR): a study comparing the accuracy and speed of data retrieval from glaucoma patient records
Suleman H; Vernon SA; Ainsworth G; Bhan A; Bhargava J; Eatamadi H; Koppens J
Eye 2006; 20: 80-83

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