
WGA Rescources

Chinese Ophthalmic Research 9

Showing records 1 to 9 | Display all abstracts in Chinese Ophthalmic Research

9671 The effect of verapamil on synthesis of extracellular matrix in bovine trabecular meshwork cells
Chen F; Wei H; Zeng Y
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 392-395
9670 In vitro culture of bovine trabecular meshwork cells by digestion method
Zhang W; Yang X; Li Y
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 406-408
9690 NMDA-induced neuron damage of retinal ganglion cell layer in rat
Shi J; Jiang Y; Liu X
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 471-473
9705 Regulation of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides on expression of Nogo-A in oligodendrocytes in vitro
Peng X; Liu S; Ye J
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 485-488
9938 The effect of Erigeron Breviscapus (Vant) Hand-Mazz on ocular blood flow in glaucomatous eyes
Ye C; Jiang Y
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 527-530
9979 The combination of non-perforating trabecular surgery and amniotic membrane implantation in the treatment of secondary open-angle glaucoma
Zhong P; Dong Y; Li R
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 524-526
9995 Inhibitory effect of tranilast on collagen synthesis in cultured human trabecular meshwork cells
Cao Y; Wei H; Da B
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 353-354
9996 The effect of mitomycin C on conjunctive tissue of glaucoma filtration surgery in rabbits: electron microscopic analysis
Li D; Liu B; Lin J
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 374-376
9997 The distribution of 5-fluorouracil in eye after subconjunctival injection
Xiong X; Li J; Qi S
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2003; 21: 377-378

Issue 5-3

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