

Optometry and Vision Science 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts in Optometry and Vision Science

9099 Vertical cup to disc ratio: Agreement between direct ophthalmoscopic estimation, fundus biomicroscopic estimation, and scanning laser ophthalmoscopic measurement
Watkins R; Panchal L; Uddin J; Gunvant P
Optometry and Vision Science 2003; 80: 454-459
9177 The effect of age on ocular blood supply determined by pulsatile ocular blood flow and color Doppler ultrasonography
Lam AKC; Chan ST; Chan H; Chan B
Optometry and Vision Science 2003; 80: 305-311
9179 Effect of exercise on intraocular pressure and pulsatile ocular blood flow in a young normal population
Price EL; Gray LS; Humphries L; Zweig C; Button NF
Optometry and Vision Science 2003; 80: 460-466

Issue 5-2

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