

Optometry and Vision Science 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts in Optometry and Vision Science

10770 Retinal nerve fiber loss in high- and normal-tension glaucoma by optical coherence tomography
Mok KH; Lee VW; So KF
Optometry and Vision Science 2004; 81: 369-72
10769 Increasing scans per examination improves the reproducibility on retinal nerve fiber layer measurements by optical coherence tomography
Mok KH; Lee VW; So KF
Optometry and Vision Science 2004; 81: 268-71
10774 Late-onset blebitis/endophthalmitis: Incidence and outcomes with mitomycin C
Muckley ED; Lehrer RA
Optometry and Vision Science 2004; 81: 499-504

Issue 6-2

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