

Optometry and Vision Science 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts in Optometry and Vision Science

11475 The validity of a new noncontact tonometer and its comparison with the Goldmann tonometer
Lam AK; Chan R; Lam CH
Optometry and Vision Science 2004; 81: 601-605
11576 Effect of breath-holding on pulsatile ocular blood flow measurement in normal subjects
Lam AK; Lam CH
Optometry and Vision Science 2004; 81: 597-600
11538 Consequences of an increase in the ocular perfusion pressure on the pulsatile ocular blood flow
Lovasik JV; Kergoat H
Optometry and Vision Science 2004; 81: 692-698

Issue 6-3

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