

Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 13

Showing records 1 to 13 | Display all abstracts in Current Opinions in Ophthalmology

13499 Recent developments in understanding the pathophysiology of elevated intraocular pressure
Tan JC; Peters DM; Kaufman PL
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 168-174
13496 Glaucoma screening: current trends, economic issues, technology, and challenges
Nduaguba C; Lee RK
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 142-152
13492 Measuring intraocular pressure-adjustments for corneal thickness and new technologies
Herndon LW
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 115-119
13369 Pathological optic-disc cupping
Piette SD; Sergott RC
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 1-6
13503 Pattern electroretinogram in glaucoma
Ventura LM; Porciatti V
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 196-202
13506 Retinal nerve fiber layer analysis in the diagnosis of glaucoma
Zangwill LM; Bowd C
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 120-131
13497 Diagnosing glaucoma progression: current practice and promising technologies
Giangiacomo A; Garway-Heath D; Caprioli J
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 153-162
13500 Ethnic differences in primary angle-closure glaucoma
Yip JL; Foster PJ
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 175-180
13498 Corticosteroid-induced ocular hypertension and glaucoma: a brief review and update of the literature
Jones R 3rd; Rhee DJ
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 163-167
13482 The European Glaucoma Prevention Study and the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study: why do two studies have different results?
Parrish RK 2nd
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 138-141
13502 Medication adherence in glaucoma: approaches for optimizing patient compliance
Tsai JC
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 190-195
13494 Options in pediatric glaucoma after angle surgery has failed
Tanimoto SA; Brandt JD
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 132-137
13501 Glaucoma drainage implants: a critical comparison of types
Schwartz KS; Lee RK; Gedde SJ
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2006; 17: 181-189

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