

Journal of Glaucoma 28

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12001 Driving performance of glaucoma patients correlates with peripheral visual field loss
Szlyk JP; Mahler CL; Seiple W; Edward DP; Wilensky JT
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 145-150
11876 Predictive value of frequency doubling technology perimetry for detecting glaucoma in a developing country
Mansberger SL; Johnson CA; Cioffi GA; Choi D; Krishnadas SR; Srinivasan M; Balamurugan V; Kim U; Smith SD; Wilkins JH
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 128-134
11871 Matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in aqueous humor of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, exfoliation syndrome, and exfoliation glaucoma
Maatta M; Tervahartiala T; Harju M; Airaksinen J; Autio-Harmainen H; Sorsa T
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 64-69
11705 Reproducibility of self-measured intraocular pressure with the phosphene tonometer in patients with ocular hypertension and early to advanced glaucoma
Brigatti L; Maguluri S
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 36-39
11939 Level of disagreement between Proview phosphene tonometer and Goldmann applanation tonometer intraocular pressure readings
Rai S; Moster MR; Kesen M; Fontanarosa J; Spaeth GL; Steinmann WC; Wilson R; Myers J; Henderer J
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 120-123
11950 The prevalence of glaucomatous defects with short-wavelength automated perimetry in patients with elevated intraocular pressures
Reus NJ; Colen TP; Lemij HG
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 26-29
11993 Psychophysical investigation of ganglion cell loss in early glaucoma
Spry PG; Johnson CA; Mansberger SL; Cioffi GA
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 11-19
11779 Predicting subsequent visual field loss in glaucomatous subjects with disc hemorrhage using retinal nerve fiber layer polarimetry
Gunvant P; Zheng Y; Essock EA; Chen PP; Greenfield DS; Bagga H; Boehm MD
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 20-25
11928 Influence of pupillary diameter, ciliary muscle tone, and ambient light on nerve fiber layer measurements with scanning laser polarimetry
Paranhos A Jr; Silvestre AM; Passerotti CC; Martins EM; de Arruda Mello PA; Prata JA Jr; Shields MB
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 124-127
11861 Primary congenital glaucoma presenting within the first three months of life in a Bedouin population: prognostic factors
Levy J; Carmi R; Rosen S; Lifshitz T
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 139-144
12114 A long-term prospective study of risk factors for glaucomatous visual field loss in patients with ocular hypertension
Bengtsson B; Heijl A
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 135-138
12018 Carotid artery elasticity and baroreflex sensitivity in patients with glaucoma
Visontai Z; Mersich B; Hollo G
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 30-35
11855 Diode laser transscleral cyclophotocoagulation as primary surgical treatment for medically uncontrolled chronic angle closure glaucoma: long-term clinical outcomes
Lai JS; Tham CC; Chan JC; Lam DS
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 114-119
11935 The effect of laser iridotomy on the anterior segment anatomy of patients with plateau iris configuration
Polikoff LA; Chanis RA; Toor A; Ramos-Esteban JC; Fahim MM; Gagliuso DJ; Serle JB
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 109-113
11953 A cross-sectional study of Krukenberg spindles and pigmented lens striae in a predominately black population: two highly associated clinical signs of anterior segment pigment dispersal
Roberts DK; Winters JE; Castells DD; Teitelbaum BA; Alexander CC
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 57-63
12025 Toxoplasmosis retinochoroiditis and elevated intraocular pressure: a retrospective study
Westfall AC; Lauer AK; Suhler EB; Rosenbaum JT
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 3-10
11669 Incidence and management of elevated intraocular pressure after silicone oil injection
Al-Jazzaf AM; Netland PA; Charles S
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 40-46
11815 Preferences for eye drop characteristics among glaucoma specialists: a willingness-to-pay analysis
Jampel HD; Parekh P; Johnson E; Robin AL; Miller RB
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 151-156
11828 The effect of combination pharmacotherapy on the prescription trends of glaucoma medications
Kaiserman I; Kaiserman N; Nakar S; Vinker S
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 157-160
11713 Latanoprost or brimonidine as treatment for elevated intraocular pressure: multicenter trial in the United States
Camras CB; Sheu WP; United States Latanoprost-Brimonidine Study Group
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 161-167
12006 Effects of travoprost on aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys
Toris CB; Zhan GL; Camras CB; McLaughlin MA
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 70-173
11727 Implantation of a miniature glaucoma device under a scleral flap
Dahan E; Carmichael TR
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 98-102
12035 Trabeculectomy with internal tube shunt: a novel glaucoma surgery
Yablonski ME
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 91-97
12048 A trabecular bypass flow hypothesis
Zhou J; Smedley GT
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 74-83
11825 2002 Survey of the American Glaucoma Society: practice preferences for glaucoma surgery and antifibrotic use
Joshi AB; Parrish RK 2nd; Feuer WF
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 172-174

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