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Journal of Glaucoma 11

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14089 Comparison between GDx VCC parameter and achromatic perimetry in glaucoma patients
Iester M; Perdicchi A; De Feo F; Fiesoletti E; Amodeo S; Sanna G; Leonardi A; Calabria G
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 281-285
14084 A comparison of diagnostic protocols for interpretation of frequency doubling perimetry visual fields in glaucoma
Landers J; Sharma A; Goldberg I; Graham S
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 310-314
14086 Improving glaucoma diagnosis by the combination of perimetry and HRT measurements
Mardin CY; Peters A; Horn F; Junemann AG; Lausen B
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 299-305
14082 Humphrey matrix frequency doubling technology perimetry and optical coherence tomography measurement of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in both normal and ocular hypertensive subjects
Mastropasqua L; Brusini P; Carpineto P; Ciancaglini M; Di Antonio L; Zeppieri MW; Parisi L
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 328-335
14083 Detecting early functional damage in glaucoma suspect and ocular hypertensive patients with the multifocal VEP technique
Thienprasiddhi P; Greenstein VC; Chu DH; Xu L; Liebmann JM; Ritch R; Hood DC
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 321-327
14090 Nerve fiber layer thickness in glaucoma patients with asymmetric hemifield visual field loss
Badlani V; Shahidi M; Shakoor A; Edward DP; Zelkha R; Wilensky J
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 275-280
14081 Influence of pupil size and cataract on retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements by Stratus OCT
Savini G; Zanini M; Barboni P
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 336-340
14080 Additive effect of dorzolamide or carteolol to latanoprost in primary open-angle glaucoma: a prospective randomized crossover trial
Maruyama K; Shirato S
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 341-345
14085 Laser trabeculoplasty trends with the introduction of new medical treatments and selective laser trabeculoplasty
Rachmiel R; Trope GE; Chipman ML; Gouws P; Buys YM
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 306-309
14088 The influence of scleral flap position and dimensions on intraocular pressure control in experimental trabeculectomy
Birchall W; Wakely L; Wells AP
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 286-290
14087 Inhibition of cell proliferation by mitomycin C incorporated into P (HEMA) hydrogels
Blake DA; Sahiner N; John VT; Clinton AD; Galler KE; Walsh M; Arosemena A; Johnson PY; Ayyala RS
Journal of Glaucoma 2006; 15: 291-298

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