

Molecular Vision 14

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20634 Localization of TGF-β type II receptor and ED-A fibronectin in normal conjunctiva and failed filtering blebs
Meyer-Ter-Vehn T; Grehn F; Schlunck G
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 136-141
20639 The cytotoxic and stress responses of human trabecular meshwork cells treated with triamcinolone acetonide
Wang DY; Fan BJ; Yam GYH; Lam DSC; Pang CP
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 105-113
20632 Sustained stress response after oxidative stress in trabecular meshwork cells
Li G; Luna C; Liton PB; Navarro I; Epstein DL; Gonzalez P
Molecular Vision 2007; 13: 2282-2288
20627 The influence of visible light exposure on cultured RGC-5 cells
Wood JPM; Lascaratos G; Bron AJ; Osborne NN
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 334-344
20635 Association between primary open-angle glaucoma and WDR36 DNA sequence variants in Japanese
Miyazawa A; Fuse N; Mengkegale MG; Ryu M; Seimiya M; Wada Y; Nishida K
Molecular Vision 2007; 13: 1912-1919
20630 No association between OPA1 polymorphisms and primary open-angle glaucoma in three different populations
Liu Y; Schmidt S; Qin X; Gibson J; Munro D; Wiggs JL; Hauser MA; Allingham RR
Molecular Vision 2007; 13: 2137-2141
20636 Suppression of keratoepithelin and myocilin by small interfering RNAs (siRNA) in vitro
Yuan C; Zins EJ; Clark AF; Huang AJW
Molecular Vision 2007; 13: 2083-2095
20638 Effect of cellular senescence on the P2Y-receptor mediated calcium response in trabecular meshwork cells
Chow J; Liton PB; Luna C; Wong F; Gonzalez P
Molecular Vision 2007; 13: 1926-1933
20637 Oxygen and blood flow: Players in the pathogenesis of glaucoma
Mozaffarieh M; Grieshaber MC; Flammer J
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 224-233
20631 A novel de novo PAX6 mutation in an Ashkenazi-Jewish family with aniridia
Bandah D; Rosenmann A; Blumenfeld A; Averbukh E; Banin E; Sharon D
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 142-145
20629 Analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial genes in patients with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
Abu-Amero KK; Bosley TM; Morales J
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 29-36
20628 Analysis of LOXL1 polymorphisms in a United States population with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
Challa P; Schmidt S; Liu Y; Qin X; Vann RR; Gonzalez P; Allingham RR; Hauser MA
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 146-149
20633 Association of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the LOXL1 gene with pseudoexfoliation syndrome in India
Ramprasad VL; George R; Soumittra N; Sharmila F; Vijaya L; Kumaramanickavel G
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 318-322
20640 Effect of immunomodulation with anti-CD40L antibody on adenoviral-mediated transgene expression in mouse anterior segment
Cameron Millar J; Pang I-H; Wang W-H; Wang Y; Clark AF
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 10-19

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