
WGA Rescources

Journal of AAPOS 5

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27470 An illuminated microcatheter for 360-degree trabeculectomy in congenital glaucoma: A retrospective case series
Sarkisian Jr SR
Journal of AAPOS 2010; 14: 412-416
27466 Microspherophakia associated with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
Rastogi A; Goel S; Kaur S; Vardhan P
Journal of AAPOS 2010; 14: 364-366
27468 Postoperative cilioretinal artery occlusion in Sturge Weber-associated glaucoma
Chang L; Mruthyunjaya P; Rodriguez-Rosa RE; Freedman SF
Journal of AAPOS 2010; 14: 358-360
27467 Endogenous cushing syndrome from an ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone production as a rare cause of ocular hypertension
Khaw KW; Jalaludin MY; Suhaimi H; Harun F; Subrayan V
Journal of AAPOS 2010; 14: 356-357
27469 Spontaneous disconnection of glaucoma tube shunt extenders
Dawodu O; Levin AV
Journal of AAPOS 2010; 14: 361-363

Issue 12-4

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