

European Journal of Ophthalmology 7

Showing records 1 to 7 | Display all abstracts in European Journal of Ophthalmology

49985 Performance of imaging devices versus optic disc and fiber layer photography in a clinical practice guideline for glaucoma diagnosis
Gü,erri N; Polo V; Larrosa JM; Ferreras A; Fuertes I; Pablo LE
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 22: 554-562
50461 Comparison of long-term variability of retinal nerve fiber layer measurements made with the RTVue OCT and scanning laser polarimetry
Naghizadeh F; Garas A; Vargha P; Holló G
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 0: 0
50582 Sensitivity and specificity of machine learning classifiers and spectral domain OCT for the diagnosis of glaucoma
Vidotti VG; Costa VP; Silva FR; Resende GM; Cremasco F; Dias M; Gomi ES
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 0: 0
50000 Clinical and electrophysiologic outcome in patients with neovascular glaucoma treated with and without bevacizumab
Wittströ,m E; Holmberg H; Hvarfner C; André,asson S
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 22: 563-574
49982 Novel FBN1 mutation causes Marfan syndrome with bilateral ectopia lentis and refractory glaucoma
Milla E; Leszczynska A; Rey A; Navarro M; Larena C
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 22: 667-669
49981 Topical prostaglandin fixed combinations in UK primary care: observational study using data from the health improvement network
Loftus J; Christopoulou D; Blak BT; Hards M
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 22: 376-387
50583 Prevalence and risk factors for ocular surface disease among patients treated over the long term for glaucoma or ocular hypertension
Baudouin C; Renard JP; Nordmann JP; Denis P; Lachkar Y; Sellem E; Rouland JF; Jeanbat V; Boué,e S
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 0: 0

Issue 14-2

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