

British Journal of Ophthalmology 14

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20916 Impact of self-reported visual impairment on quality of life in the Ibadan study of ageing
Bekibele CO; Gureje O
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 612-615
21328 Health literacy and vision-related quality of life
Muir KW; Santiago-Turla C; Stinnett SS; Herndon LW; Allingham RR; Challa P; Lee PP
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 779-782
21326 The power of hope: Being a doctor is more than relying solely on the numbers
Godshalk AN; Brown GC; Brown HC; Brown MM
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 783-787
21331 Cholinergic inhibition by botulinum toxin in a rat model of congenital glaucoma raises intraocular pressure
Gatzioufas Z; Charalambous P; Seitz B; Evers S; Jonescu-Cuypers C; Krause M; Thanos S
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 826-831
20945 Selective inner retinal dysfunction precedes ganglion cell loss in a mouse glaucoma model
Holcombe DJ; Lengefeld N; Gole GA; Barnett NL
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 683-688
20940 Practical recommendations for measuring rates of visual field change in glaucoma
Chauhan BC; Garway-Heath DF; Goñi FJ; Rossetti L; Bengtsson B; Viswanathan AC; Heijl A
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 569-573
21330 Heidelberg Retina Tomograph 3 machine learning classifiers for glaucoma detection
Townsend KA; Wollstein G; Danks D; Sung KR; Ishikawa H; Kagemann L; Gabriele ML; Schuman JS
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 814-818
21329 Sources of longitudinal variability in optical coherence tomography nerve-fibre layer measurements
Kagemann L; Mumcuoglu T; Wollstein G; Bilonick R; Ishikawa H; Townsend KA; Gabriele M; Fujimoto JG; Schuman JS
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 806-809
20943 The effect of sildenafil on ocular blood flow
Harris A; Kagemann L; Ehrlich R; Ehrlich Y; López CR; Purvin VA
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 469-473
20941 Immunohistochemical localisation of intravitreally injected bevacizumab in the anterior chamber angle, iris and ciliary body of the primate eye
Peters S; Heiduschka P; Julien S; Bartz-Schmidt KU; Schraermeyer U
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 541-544
20942 A comparative study of the effects of brinzolamide and dorzolamide on retinal oxygen saturation and ocular microcirculation in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma
Siesky B; Harris A; Cantor LB; Kagemann L; Weitzman Y; McCranor L; Marques C; Werne A; Stefansson E
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 500-504
21327 Efficacy of antiglaucoma fixed combination therapy versus unfixed components in reducing intraocular pressure: A systematic review
Cox JA; Mollan SP; Bankart J; Robinson R
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 729-734
20944 Intravitreal properties of porous silicon photonic crystals: a potential self-reporting intraocular drug-delivery vehicle
Cheng L; Anglin E; Cunin F; Kim D; Sailor MJ; Falkenstein I; Tammewar A; Freeman WR
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 705-711
20946 Supra-Tenon's capsule placement of a single-plate Molteno implant
Freedman J; Chamnongvongse P
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 669-672

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