

British Journal of Ophthalmology 24

Showing records 1 to 24 | Display all abstracts in British Journal of Ophthalmology

15846 Utility of predictive equations for estimating the prevalence and incidence of primary open-angle glaucoma in the UK
Minassian DC; Reidy A; Coffey M; Minassian A
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1159-1161
15813 Ocular changes in heredo-oto-ophthalmo-encephalopathy
Bek T
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1298-1302
15700 Central corneal thickness determined with optical coherence tomography in various types of glaucoma
Bechmann M; Thiel MJ; Roesen B; Ullrich S; Ulbig MW; Ludwig K
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1233-1237
15706 Effects of artefacts on scanning laser polarimetry of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measurement
Kogure S; Chiba T; Kinoshita T; Kowa H; Tsukahara S
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1013-1017
15665 Optic nerve oxygen tension: effects of intraocular pressure and dorzolamide
Cour M; Kiilgaard JF; Eysteinsson T; Wiencke AK; Bang K; Dollerup J; Jensen PK; Stefansson E
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1045-1049
15708 Use of sequential Heidelberg retina tomograph images to identify changes at the optic disc in ocular hypertensive patients at risk of developing glaucoma
Kamal DS; Garway-Heath DF; Hitchings RA; Fitzke FW
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 993-998
15661 Mechanism related to reduction of intraocular pressure by melanocortins in rabbits
Naveh N; Kaplan-Messas A; Marshall J
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1411-1414
15730 Altitudinal visual field asymmetry is coupled with altered retinal circulation in patients with normal pressure glaucoma
Arend O; Remky A; Cantor LB; Harris A
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1008-1012
15632 Local anaesthetic techniques and pulsatile ocular blood flow
Chang BY; Hee WC; Ling R; Broadway DC; Beigi B
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1260-1263
15680 Ultrasound biomicroscopic analysis of pseudophakic pupillary block glaucoma induced by Sömmering's ring
Kobayashi H; Hirose M; Kobayashi K
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1142-1146
15677 Glaucoma incidence in an unselected cohort of diabetic patients: Is diabetes mellitus a risk factor for glaucoma?
Ellis JD; Evans JMM; Ruta DA; Baines PS; Leese G; MacDonald TM; Morris AD
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1218-1224
15974 Diabetes and primary open angle glaucoma
Lin S
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1216
15870 Comparison of visual field progression in patients with normal pressure glaucoma between eyes with and without visual field loss that threatens fixation
Membrey W; Poinoosawmy DP; Bunce C; Fitzke FW; Hitchings RA
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1154-1158
15656 YAG laser iridotomy treatment for primary angle closure in east Asian eyes
Nolan WP; Foster PJ; Devereux JG; Uranchimeg D; Johnson GJ; Baasanhu J
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1255-1259
15681 Rates of hospital admissions for primary angle closure glaucoma among Chinese, Malays, and Indians in Singapore
Wong TY; Foster PJ; Seah SK; Chew PTK
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 990-992
15640 Transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation for the treatment of refractory glaucoma secondary to inflammatory eye diseases
Schlote T; Derse M; Zierhut M
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 999-1003
15670 Changes in ocular surface caused by antiglaucomatous eyedrops: prospective, randomised study for the comparison of 0.5% timolol versus 0. 12% unoprostone
Shimazaki J; Hanada K; Yagi Y; Yamagami J; Ishioka M; Shimmura S; Tsubota K
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1250-1254
15876 Topical ophthalmic β blockers may cause release of histamine through cytotoxic effects on inflammatory cells
Van Beek LM; Mulder M; Van Haeringen J; Kijlstra A
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1004-1007
15734 Morphological variability of the trabecular meshwork in glaucoma patients: implications for non-perforating glaucoma surgery
Dietlein TS; Jacobi PC; Luke C; Krieglstein GK
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1354-1359
15636 Anterior chamber flare after trabeculectomy and after phacoemulsification
Siriwardena D; Kotecha A; Minassian D; Dart JK; Khaw PT
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1056-1057
15967 New Techniques in glaucoma surgery
Brooks AMV; Gillies WE
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1339-1340
15758 Risk factors for development of post-trabeculectomy endophthalmitis
Lehmann OJ; Bunce C; Matheson MM; Maurino V; Khaw PT; Wormald R; Barton K
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1349-1353
15973 Bleb related ocular infection: a feature of the HELP syndrome
Liebmann JM; Ritch R
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 1338-1339
15862 Effect of cataract extraction and posterior chamber lens implantation on outflow facility and its response to pilocarpine in Korean subjects
Kee C; Moon SH
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 987-989

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