
WGA Rescources

Ophthalmic Genetics 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmic Genetics

9716 Mutational analysis of the myocilin gene in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma in Morocco
Melki R; Idhajji A; Driouiche S; Hassani MI; Boukabboucha A; Akhayat O; Garchon HJ; Belmouden A
Ophthalmic Genetics 2003; 24: 153-160
9820 PAX6 gene mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations in sporadic cases of aniridia from India
Dharmaraj N; Reddy ABM; Kiran VS; Mandal AK; Panicker SG; Chakrabarti S
Ophthalmic Genetics 2003; 24: 161-165

Issue 5-3

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