

Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 13

Showing records 1 to 13 | Display all abstracts in Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

10307 Effect of scan repetition on the reproducibility of optic nerve head topographic measurements with the Top SS
Akar Y; Bozkurt B; Grkec M; Orhan M; Karaagaoglu E
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 142-146
10254 Major determinants of optic nerve head topographic characteristics in a normal Turkish population
Akar Y; Orhan M; Irkec M; Karaagaoglu E
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 9-13
10293 Longevity-associated mitochondrial DNA 5178 A/C polymorphism is associated with intraocular pressure in Japanese men
Kokaze A; Yoshida M; Ishikawa M; Matsunaga N; Makita R; Satoh M; Sekiguchi K; Masuda Y; Uchida Y; Takashima Y
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 131-136
10323 Comparison of the Proview pressure phosphene tonometer performed by the patient and examiner with the Goldmann applanation tonometer
Danesh-Meyer HV; Niederer R; Gaskin BJ; Gamble G
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 29-32
10408 Primary infantile glaucoma in an Australian population
Mackinnon JR; Giubilato A; Elder JE; Craig JE; Mackey DA
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 14-18
10419 Systemic autonomic function in subjects with primary angle-closure glaucoma: a comparative study of symptomatic and asymptomatic disease presentation
Yong VK; Umapathi T; Aung T; Tan NC; Lee JJ; Liew GC; Yip CC; Foster PJ; Chew PT
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 137-141
10442 Pseudoexfoliation syndrome: pathological manifestations of relevance to intraocular surgery
Conway RM; Schlotzer-Schrehardt U; Kuchle M; Naumann GO
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 199-210
10117 Effects of topical antiglaucoma drugs on apoptosis rates of conjunctival epithelial cells in glaucoma patients
Dogan AS; Orhan M; Soylemezoglu F; Irkec M; Bozkurt B
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 62-66
10118 Black eye drop bottle tips improve compliance
Stack RR; McKellar MJ
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 39-41
10192 Long-term evaluation of trabeculectomy in primary open angle glaucoma and chronic primary angle closure glaucoma in an Asian population
Sihota R; Gupta V; Agarwal HC
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 23-28
10193 Outcome of consecutive trabeculectomy
Zalish M; Oron Y; Geyer O
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 19-22
10198 Systemic anti-inflammatory fibrosis suppression in threatened trabeculectomy failure
Vote B; Fuller JR; Bevin TH; Molteno AC
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 81-66
10174 Evaluation of contact versus non-contact diode laser cyclophotocoagulation for refractory glaucomas using similar energy settings
Agarwal HC; Gupta V; Sihota R
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32: 33-38

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