

Clinical Genetics 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts in Clinical Genetics

10503 Low frequency of myocilin mutations in Indian primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Sripriya S; Uthra S; Sangeetha R; George RJ; Hemmamalini A; Paul PG; Amali J; Vijaya L; Kumaramanickavel G
Clinical Genetics 2004; 65: 333-337
10306 Refining the primary open-angle glaucoma GLC1C region on chromosome 3 by haplotype analysis
Samples JR; Kitsos G; Economou-Petersen E; Steinkamp P; Sykes R; Rust K; Patzer C; Grigoriadou M; Aperis G; Psilas K
Clinical Genetics 2004; 65: 40-44

Issue 6-1

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