

Experimental Eye Research 79

Showing records 1 to 25 | Display all abstracts in Experimental Eye Research

66831 Glial coverage in the optic nerve expands in proportion to optic axon loss in chronic mouse glaucoma
Bosco A
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 150: 34-43
67571 Wholemount imaging reveals abnormalities of the aqueous outflow pathway and corneal vascularity in Foxc1 and Bmp4 heterozygous mice
van der Merwe EL
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 293-303
67494 An open-source computational tool to automatically quantify immunolabeled retinal ganglion cells
Dordea AC
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 147: 50-56
67581 Preliminary investigation of multispectral retinal tissue oximetry mapping using a hyperspectral retinal camera
Desjardins M
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 330-340
67471 Gene transfer to the outflow tract
Dang Y
Experimental Eye Research 2017; 158: 73-84
67276 Axonal transport along retinal ganglion cells is grossly intact during reduced function post-injury
Fahy ET
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 289-292
67307 The elevation of intraocular pressure is associated with apoptosis and increased immunoreactivity for nitric oxide synthase in rat retina whereas the effectiveness of retina derived relaxing factor is unaffected
Takır S
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 145: 401-411
67213 Real-time imaging of RGC death with a cell-impermeable nucleic acid dyeing compound after optic nerve crush in a murine model
Tsuda S
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 179-188
66768 Structural characteristics of the optic nerve head influencing human retinal venous pulsations
Lam J
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 145: 341-346
67232 Biological effect of LOXL1 coding variants associated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Sharma S
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 212-223
67535 Crosstalk between TGFβ and Wnt signaling pathways in the human trabecular meshwork
Webber HC
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 148: 97-102
67476 ATP sensitive potassium channel openers: A new class of ocular hypotensive agents
Roy Chowdhury U
Experimental Eye Research 2017; 158: 85-93
67511 Aquaporin expression and localization in the rabbit eye
Bogner B
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 147: 20-30
67232 Biological effect of LOXL1 coding variants associated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Martin S
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 212-223
67535 Crosstalk between TGFβ and Wnt signaling pathways in the human trabecular meshwork
Bermudez JY
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 148: 97-102
66768 Structural characteristics of the optic nerve head influencing human retinal venous pulsations
Chan G
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 145: 341-346
67511 Aquaporin expression and localization in the rabbit eye
Schroedl F
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 147: 20-30
67276 Axonal transport along retinal ganglion cells is grossly intact during reduced function post-injury
Chrysostomou V
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 289-292
67571 Wholemount imaging reveals abnormalities of the aqueous outflow pathway and corneal vascularity in Foxc1 and Bmp4 heterozygous mice
Kidson SH
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 293-303
67476 ATP sensitive potassium channel openers: A new class of ocular hypotensive agents
Dosa PI
Experimental Eye Research 2017; 158: 85-93
67581 Preliminary investigation of multispectral retinal tissue oximetry mapping using a hyperspectral retinal camera
Sylvestre JP
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 330-340
67494 An open-source computational tool to automatically quantify immunolabeled retinal ganglion cells
Bray MA
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 147: 50-56
66831 Glial coverage in the optic nerve expands in proportion to optic axon loss in chronic mouse glaucoma
Breen KT
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 150: 34-43
67213 Real-time imaging of RGC death with a cell-impermeable nucleic acid dyeing compound after optic nerve crush in a murine model
Tanaka Y
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 179-188
67307 The elevation of intraocular pressure is associated with apoptosis and increased immunoreactivity for nitric oxide synthase in rat retina whereas the effectiveness of retina derived relaxing factor is unaffected
Gürel-Gürevin E
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 145: 401-411

Issue 17-4

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