

Editors Selection IGR 15-2

Experimental Glaucoma: Schlemm's canal

Lawrence Kagemann

Comment by Lawrence Kagemann on:

55779 Novel Characterization and Live Imaging of Schlemm's Canal Expressing Prox-1, Truong TN; Li H; Hong YK et al., PLoS ONE, 2014; 9: e98245

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In this study, Truong and colleagues advance our understanding of the nature of SC as compared to blood and lymphatic vasculature. Using a mouse model, the authors demonstrate the presence of prospero-related homeobox 1 (Prox-1) 'the master control gene for lymphatic development', and absence of lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor -1 (LYVE-1) expression. While neither the transcription factor Prox-1 or endothelial cell marker LYVE-1 are found in blood vessels, both are present in lymphatic vessels. The presence of one, but not both, in SC suggests that its role in aqueous humor outflow requires characteristics similar the lymphatic and circulator vasculature, yet unique to both. The distinction of SC from lymphatic vasculature is reinforced by the authors' finding of an absence of a sprouting reaction in response to inflammatory lymphangiogenesis in the cornea.

It is difficult to comment on sample size. This is a descriptive study. There is no statistical analysis or quantified parameters beyond the binary parameters of Prox-1+, Prox-1-, etc. The number of mice used in the experiment (six) is stated at the end of the imaging section, however the consistency of results across individual eyes, or indeed the number of each eyes used for each imaging modality are not stated. The methods do state that 'The experiment was repeated at least twice with six mice included in the study', although based on the location of the text, this may (or may not) apply only to the in-vivo imaging portion of the study. The present findings need to be corroborated by further research. It would also be interesting to discuss the potential generalization of the present findings to the human eye. A discussion supporting the applicability specific findings concerning the make-up of the mouse SC to the understanding of disease processes in human eyes would be useful.

The findings in this study will serve to direct future research into the nature of SC and the aqueous humor outflow pathway.


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