

Editors Selection IGR 8-1

Examination methods: IOP 9 years

Erik Greve

Comment by Erik Greve on:

15210 Nine-year changes in intraocular pressure: the Barbados Eye Studies, Wu SY; Nemesure B; Hennis A et al., Archives of Ophthalmology, 2006; 124: 1631-1636

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Knowledge of behaviour of IOP over time is essential. Wu et al. (1070) followed a population (2298 participants) of African descent for 9 years! The mean IOP change was surprisingly small: 0.4 mmHg; the standard deviation however was large: +/- 4 mmHg. Evidently some persons did show a sizable increase or decrease of IOP over time. Or was this a measurement artefact? This could very well be the case given the variability of IOP measurements specially if measures by different examiners and different instruments!

Over 10 years IOP change was surprisingly small
The same question can be asked for the 6.5% of persons that developed an IOP over 21 mmHg. Interestingly, IOP increased in the 50-59 years group, but decreased in the 70+ years group. Associations were found between IOP change and higher blood pressure and diabetes history. The all over conclusion seems that most persons do not demonstrate major IOP changes.


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