

Editors Selection IGR 10-4

Examination methods: Slitlamp versus OCT and CDR

Thierry Zeyen

Comment by Thierry Zeyen on:

20899 Agreement between slit lamp examination and optical coherence tomography in estimating cup-disc ratios, Martinez-de-la-Casa JM; Saenz-Frances F; Fernandez-Vidal AM et al., European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2008; 18: 423-428

See also comment(s) by Makoto Aihara

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Martinez-de-la-Casa et al. (531) compare the cup/disc (C/D) ratios measured with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT Stratus) with the C/D ratios measured with the slit lamp micrometer. The methodology is sound, using Bland-Altman plots (consistently misspelled as Bland-Altmann). However, it is confusing to the reader that the table numbers do not match the numbers in the text, and that some unusual abbreviations (e.g., A-CDR) are not spelled out when first used. Although the authors used ratios, the correction factor for using a 78 D Volk lens (x 1.2) should have been mentioned. Surprisingly, the agreement between the methods was high in the glaucoma group, whereas significant differences between the methods emerged in the control group of healthy subjects (usually it is the opposite). This paper confirms that the OCT Stratus can accurately measure the optic disc parameters in glaucoma patients cross-sectionally. It would be interesting to know how measurements obtained by OCT would relate to slit lamp measurements in longitudinal data. This will be easier to do once updates in hard- and software of OCT will be compatible with the old data of the patients.


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