

Top-Ten of the Glaucoma Session of the Closed 9th Congress of the Chinese Ophthalmological Society

September 9 -13, 2004, WuHan, China

Wang Ningli

The Glaucoma Session had 27 invited lectures, 58 free papers, 46 posters and 80 abstract communications. The Top-Ten were selected from all of them.

  • Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation for treatment of refractory glaucoma shows promising effectiveness compared with transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in long-term outcome.
  • Moxonidine, which can reduce IOP of both eyes in case of monocular installation, was shown to be a safe and effective drug in experimental rabbits.
  • A population based Optic Disc Morphologic Study in normal Chinese shows the width of rim is affected by the position of the main retinal vessel, which may offer a new approach to glaucomatous disc differentiation.
  • The results of combined phacoemulsification with trabeculectomy and adjunctive 5-Fu in glaucoma with coexisting cataract are a little better in PACG than in POAG, without statistical significance.
  • An evidence-based systemic review showed that there is some weak evidence supporting cataract extraction for managing early PACG and coexisting cataract, but no strong evidence to support cataract extraction to treat chronic PACG with extensive PAS.
  • Six mutation sites from two genes were identified exclusively in the members of GZ.1 pedigree of POAG. Eight family members (24%) harbored mutations of both TIGR and OPTN gene.
  • A multicenter randomized-controlled trial demonstrated that Erigeron Breviscapus Hand-Mazz (EBHM) could improve the visual field of glaucoma eyes significantly compared to a placebo group.
  • The reduction of IOP by Prostaglandins via the uveo-scleral tract was questioned to be the unique way by a clinical observation: IOP can be decreased from 3 to 10 mmHg by 0.005% Xalatan solution in a chronic PACG group with complete angle closure.
  • NPTs have been a hot topic in China, but a cross-sectional study involving 200 POAG patients concluded that NPTs had little benefit to reduce the rate of early post operative complications in contrast to modified trabeculectomy with releasable sutures. The implants did not deserve the cost according to a health-economic evaluation.
  • Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty has an effect of some 3-4 mmHg IOP reduction in Chinese patients with residual PACG after iridotomy as well as in POAG in a small sample clinical trial.

Issue 6-2

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