

Top-Ten Japanese Glaucoma Society Meeting

September 24-26, 2004, Niigata, Japan

Makoto Araie

  • An analysis of 194 high-pressure glaucoma patients, 217 normal-pressure glaucoma patients, and 218 normal controls, showed correlations between the promoter polymorphism of TNF-a gene and optineurin gene polymorphism in prevalence of glaucoma and degree of visual field loss.
  • lthough trabeculectomy with adjunctive use of mitomycine C for normal pressure glaucoma may result in a statistically significant reduction of IOP over 4 years, only 40 % of patients obtained 30% reduction from the baseline.
  • In a Japanese population based survey, 39 of 3021 subjects (1.3%, CI:0.9-1.7%) were found to have visual disability or blindness on the basis of WHO standards. Of these, only 5 were due to glaucoma.
  • Parameters of Heidelberg Retina Tomography were significantly different among various types of glaucomatous optic nerve heads (except for the rim area).
  • During measurements of diurnal variation of ocular perfusion pressure in normal-pressure glaucoma patients, ocular perfu
    sion pressures were significantly lower at 21:00 and at 24:00 than those measured at other times, although such a difference was not observed in patients with high-pressure glaucoma.
  • The results of Humphrey Matrix visual field, central 10-2 showed a good correlation with those by Humphrey visual field 10-2, particularly in the nasal inferior region.
  • Histological examination of a specimen of the trabecular meshwork obtained from a patient with glaucoma secondary to vitreous injection of triamcinolone showed no specific abnormalities resembling steroid glaucoma.
  • Candesartan (an angiotensin II receptor inhibitor) reduced intraocular pressures of normal volunteers significantly for six hours without showing any significant cardiovascular side effects.
  • In diurnal variation of the intraocular pressures of ddY mice, a double hump pattern was observed in those under conditions of darkness and brightness each for 12 hours.
  • In normal-pressure glaucoma patients, diurnal variations of the nerve fiber layer thickness evaluated by GDxVCC were observed, particularly in the region of nerve fiber layer defects.

Issue 6-2

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