

Top-ten Asia-Pacific Joint Glaucoma Congress (AOGS, SEAGIG, AACGS)
December 3-5, Taipei, Taiwan

Chin-Yu Cheng

Chin-Yu Cheng

  1. Studies of confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy show that retinal ganglion cells (RGC) have relatively high tolerance to acute high IOP elevation with no detectable dendritic shrinkage after 30 minutes of IOP elevation. However, after 90 minutes 79% of RGCs had progressive loss of dendrites, axon and cell body, 5.3% had only mild reduction of branching complexity and shrinkage of dendritic field morphological changes. (Christopher Leung, Hong Kong, China)
  2. A modified dark room provocative test with an assessment of the anterior chamber angle by AS-OCT at 3 minutes of dark adaptation had a high diagnostic precision in predicting PAC. ROC curve was significantly larger for AS-OCT than for gonioscopy (0.86 versus 0.73; P<0.001) in predicting a positive dark room test, defined as IOP increased by ≥8 mmHg after 1.5 hours of dark adaptation. (Dejiao Li, Beijing, China)
  3. In Chinese people with narrow angles, 24% of eyes had residual angle closure after LPI. With the exception of the superior quadrant, about 80% of angles with an apparent iris insertion Shaffer grade A or B converted to grade C or D after the LPI procedure. Females, and eyes with plateau-like iris, higher baseline IOP, and more quadrants of angle closure were more likely to have residual angle closure after LPI. (Dolly Chang, Baltimore, USA)
  4. Enhance depth imaging OCT with texture based volume rendering provides better visualization of lamina cribrosa and demonstrated that NTG eyes have less posterior displacement and deformation of lamina cribrosa, and thinner lamina cribrosa, compared to POAG eyes. (Tae-Woo Kim, Seoul, Korea)
  5. In human's Tenon's, heat shock protein 47 may participate in transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta-induced transdifferentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, which is known to be an essential step for subconjunctival fibrosis. (Samin Hong, Seoul, Korea)
  6. Using anterior segment OCT, population-based studies in Singapore indicated that Chinese people have the smallest anterior chamber depth, area and volume, and Indians have the largest iris thickness and iris cross-sectional area. These differences in iris and anterior chamber parameter may underlie racial/ethnic differences in risk of angle closure glaucoma in Asians. (Leonard Yuen, Singapore)
  7. When analyzed by a retinal imaging software, persons with decreased arteriolar and venular tortuosity (i.e. straighter vessels), smaller venular branching angle or lower fractal dimension are found to have increased odds of any glaucoma, POAG and NTG, independent of intraocular pressure. These findings add to the evidence of vascular correlates of glaucoma. (Renyi Wu, Singapore).
  8. The prevalence of glaucoma in adult Japanese population is 5.0% (Tajimi Study), and NTG accounts for 72% of glaucoma. However, the majority of cases (90%) have been unaware of having glaucoma until the ocular examinations are carried out. Furthermore, glaucoma does progress even with intensive care, but slowly in the majority of the cases. About 6% of the eyes show VF progression at the speed of -1.0dB/year or faster. (Tetsuya Yamamoto, Gifu, Japan)
  9. A prospective, multicenter study in Japan shows that Tafluprost, a novel prostaglandin analogue, is an effective IOP-lowering agent both in naive and prior treated patients. Among patients with poor response to Xalatan (< 10% IOP reduction), mean IOP was significantly reduced for 1.8 mmHg (P<0.01) more from baseline. (on latanoprost) (Yasuaki Kuwayama, Osaka, Japan)
  10.  Angle closure glaucoma and open angle glaucoma account approximately equal proportion of total glaucoma in elderly (≥65 years) Taiwanese in the Shihpai Eye Study. Of the OAG, ~80% are identified as NTG. (Ching-Yu Cheng, Taipei, Taiwan)

Issue 12-4

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