
WGA Rescources

Top X of Australian and New Zealand Glaucoma Club Annual Scientific Meeting

February 23-24, 2001

Anne Brooks

  • Erik Greve: "The image of glaucoma" predicts that "optic nerve fibrometry" is a dream and that the currently available imaging technology is best for recording the present state and for intrapatient comparison because of the overlap in normals; it is of use to detect earl change in susceptible individuals. The effect of intraocular pressure is a major difficulty with current measurements.   

  • In the management of glaucoma and cataract, if there is no indication for trabeculectomy and a cataract is present then cataract surgery alone is indicated, with trabeculectomy if necessary later. If there is a good indication for trabeculectomy and some cataract is present then combined surgery is indicated. Cataract extraction will open the angle more widely.   

  • In normal pressure glaucoma, the absolute value of the intraocular pressure is no to value, it is a "faute de mieux". It was noted that myopic discs are the most progressive and progress at an early stage to the central area.

  • Stuart Graham reported that with multifocal objective perimetry using the ObjectiVisionTM System, electroencephalographic (EEG) scaling of the visual evoked potential reduces interpatient variability. Using the power of the EEG response, the VEP is scaled up or down.   

  • Mike Patella reported on standard automated perimetry with the Zeiss Humphrey perimeter. A change probability map based on pattern deviation will be available for SITA standard and SITA fast in the next 12 months.   

  • Tony Molteno's group reported that in 7 eyes of 4 infants with buphthalmos and congenital glaucoma drained with a Molteno implant, there was a return to emmetropisation as well as long term control of their glaucoma. 

  • Anne Brooks reported that in chronic angle closure glaucoma, iridectomy checked the progression of peripheral anterior synechiae in the affected eye and no fellow eye progressed after peripheral iridectomy.   

  • Gary Smith from Alcon reviewed Azopt (Brinzolamide 1%) the topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor which has just become available in Australia. The twice daily dosage and reduction in symptoms of stinging compared with Dorzolamide were noted.

  • Philip House reported that deep sclerectomy was of no value, with inadequate lowering of intraocular pressure unless perforation occurs which converts the procedure to a trabeculectomy.    

  • Ivan Goldberg reported on Hettinger scores and change in visual field sensitivity before and after a hand vibration stimulus in patients with vasospastic tendencies. He found that betaxolol suspension 0.25% bd was associated with a significantly smaller reduction in arcuate visual field sensitivity and a higher mean sensitivity in the arcuate visual fields than timolol 0.5% bd in these subjects.

Issue 3-1

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