

WGA Consensus Series

Robert N. Weinreb

Robert N. Weinreb


The Glaucoma Consensus Initiative of the World Glaucoma Association is based on the idea that the collective wisdom of a group is better than the opinion of a single expert. Assembling a sufficiently large and sufficiently diverse group of glaucoma specialists and scientists provides recommendations and insights that are likely to be superior to those of a single clinician. These recommendations and insights form the foundation for the Glaucoma Consensus Reports.

To prepare each of the 10 consensus reports, there were several months of active discussion via the Internet by more than 100 expert members of the various consensus committees. The preliminary documents were circulated to each of the member societies of the World Glaucoma Association, and additional comments were solicited. Participants were asked to review the international peer-reviewed literature, with special attention to the quality of available evidence. A Consensus Meeting attended by the experts and society representatives was then conducted. Consensus points were formulated and the report revised by the Consensus Panel following these discussions.

The clinical acumen and knowledge of numerous and diverse practitioners and scientists can be harnessed more efficiently and effectively than ever with the continued enhancements of inter-connected global communication. We can learn from each other by sharing, adapting and updating new information, and then agreeing on its significance. Linking networks of glaucoma specialists has tangible and ongoing important implications for, glaucoma clinical care, research and education on a global basis.


Issue 19-2

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