The Journal, Ophthalmology, has now had five years of positive experience with a novel study design scheme applicable to its structured abstract. Compliance by authors and reviewers with recommended study design terms has improved markedly since requiring that a study design be designated part of a seven-section abstract in January 1998.1 Ophthalmology's CONSORT agreement worksheet for randomized trials also first appeared in the same issue.1 The study design scheme and additional worksheets, corresponding to the major types of manuscripts received, were developed thereafter and first published in 1999.2,3
Based on the apparent acceptance of suggested terminology for study design, and the desirability of standardizing terminology across journals for all subjects, including glaucoma, this terminology may be internationally acceptable as an English 'standard' for designating the type of study reported in clinical vision manuscripts.
As an additional component of an overall effort to encourage the standardization of terminology across clinical vision research, glossaries including definitions for general study design terms and concepts and selected glaucoma subjects have been initiated and may serve as a starting points for further, ongoing refinements.4 Needless to say, clinical vision research terminology will continue to change as insight evolves. A continual, organized group effort to maintain reasonable standardization of terminology on the part of all stakeholders in clinical vision research would seem to be highly desirable.
read also: Glossary of Terms - Glaucoma
1. Ophthalmology: Instructions for Authors. 1998;
105: 199-202
2. Minckler D: Acknowledging the importance of study design in
the organization and quality of manuscripts. [Editorial] Ophthalmology
1999; 106: 11-12
3. Minckler D: Study design scheme, structured abstract sections
and study design worksheets. [Appendix to Instructions for authors].
Ophthalmology 1999; 106: 185-206
4. Ophthalmology: Instructions for Authors,, Glossary
of Study Design terms