The ARVO-SERI Meeting was an outgrowth of an ARVO strategic planning initiative to consider offering meetings and courses outside the US. ARVO was approached by the SERI organizers under the leadership of Donald Tan PhD, to consider a joint meeting with them as a step in this direction. The objective were to bring information on vision research methods to a segment of the vision community that had not benefitted previously from contact with ARVO or experienced vision scientists, to high light vision research from a specific geographic region, to increase awareness about ARVO and/or an interest in attending the ARVO Annual Meeting, and to enhance name recognition of ARVO as the premiere global organization in vision research.
The glaucoma sessions, organized by Hoh Sek-Tien and Steve Seah, were stimulating and showcased regional vision research, particularly in angle closure glaucoma. Steven and Arthur Lim were exceptional hosts, and some participants even had the opportunity to attend the extraordinary opening of the new Arthur Lim gallery at the Art Museum located at the National University of Singapore. In all respects, the meeting was considered by participants and organizers as a great success.