

Index of reports and other items IGR 1-1

IGR publishes reports of meetings where glaucoma is the main or an important subject (like Glaucoma Societies Meetings, ARVO, EVER etc.) The idea of these reports is not to provide a list of speakers and their subjects but a critical overview of the news-content. What was exciting, what was important confirmation, what was a real good study, what changes our diagnosis or treatment, and where does glaucoma go. It is the reporters impression of the meeting. What would he/she tell his/her colleagues at home.

Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Glaucoma Society

Amelia Island, Florida, on February 18-20, 1999
by: Greg Skuta

Symposium Autonomic Innervation and Microcirculation in the Eye - Implication for Glaucoma Pathophysiology, February 26-27, 1999 in Erlangen, Germany.

February 26-27, 1999 in Erlangen, Germany
by: Georg Michelson

Report ANZGC meeting

by: Anne Brooks

The Collaborative Normal-Tension Glaucoma Study and some of its lessons

by: Stephen M. Drance

Frequency doubling test (FDT): an interview with Chris Johnson

by: Erik L. Greve

How do we monitor our glaucoma patients in the next millennium

Gullstrand Foundation Meeting, April 17, 1999, Uppsala, Sweden
by: Erik L. Greve

Issue 1-1

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