Some Glaucoma Highlights from the Joint 2002 Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Pan-american Association of Ophthalmology
October 20-23, 2002, Orlando, FL, USA
by: Theodore Krupin
Goldmann Applanation Tonometry our Golden Standard? Measure Central Corneal Thickness?
by: Michael Diestelhorst
Glossary of Terms - Glaucoma
by: Don Minckler
Aqueous Humor Outflow Resistance (Iser Debate)
October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
by: Mark Johnson
Proposed Standards for Visual Acuity and IOP
Glaucoma Publications Interest Group November 2000
by: Richard P. Mills
Meta-analysis of RCT's
January 2003, Rome, Italy
by: Luca Rossetti, Stefano Miglior and Nicola Orzalesi
Management of Glaucoma based on rate of progression and quality of life; lessons from the RCTs
by: Erik L. Greve and Roger A. Hitchings
Study Design Terminology
by: Don Minckler
First Joint Singapore eye research institute andarvo meeting on research in vision in ophthalmology
February 6-9, 2003, Singapore
by: Peng Khaw
The First ARVO-SERI Meeting
February 6-9, 2003, Singapore
by: Robert N. Weinreb
Top-ten of the First Meeting of the Asian Angle-Closure Glaucoma Club (AACGC)
November 7-8, 2002, Seoul, Korea
by: Chul Hong
Top Ten at Glaucoma Subspecialty Day - Under Pressure: Vision Towards the Future
American Academy of Ophthalmology October 19, 2002, Orlando, FL, USA
by: Kuldev Singh
Top-nine Third Polish Glaucoma Symposium
October 10-12, 2002, Wroclaw, Poland
by: Hanna Nizankowska