

News Flashes IGR 21-1

Even if gaze-induced deformations are proven to cause or contribute to a neuropathy, it remains to be shown that this is a glaucomatous neuropathy

It is clear that negative pressure goggles increase trans-corneal pressure, causing ocular tissue distension, and must be considered contra-indicated in glaucoma patients

CATS prism may improve the accuracy of GAT measurements, with the advantage that the CATS prism can be fitted to readily available Goldmann-type tonometers

Deep learning models trained on objective labels (e.g., RNFL thickness) can be effective in glaucoma detection

The Eyewatch device is the first truly adjustable glaucoma drainage device

Studies involving multiple surgeons are more generalizable to the community of glaucoma specialists

This study showed a significant dose-response relationship between the extent of medication adherence and rate of glaucomatous visual field progression (p = 0.005)

GBD2019 will show a reduction in age-standardized prevalence of glaucoma blindness globally but an increase in moderate and severe vision impairment, over the past decade

To address whether altered functional connectivity could serve as an early biomarker for glaucoma, longitudinal observations are necessary

Accumulating evidence ... is pointing to mitochondrial dysfunction playing a role in glaucoma pathogenesis

This study is important because it adds weight to the available evidence that lower CH is associated with glaucoma progression, and the study shows that CH is also associated with posterior ALCS migration

They offer some 'food-for-thought' by dissecting selected phenotypes where the loss was somehow higher (i.e., eyes undergoing multiple stent needling)

This study provides solid evidence that lower baseline CH is associated with an increase in the posterior displacement of the lamina cribrosa over time, a finding that highlights the potential role of this biomechanical parameter as an independent risk factor for glaucoma onset and progression

An almost 24% PPV may represent an acceptable cut-off in the well-organized Scottish healthcare setting

As current approaches become further refined it appears that a new paradigm shift in perimetry and visual function testing is emerging

The mechanism of the effect remains uncertain and should not be assumed to be incorporation of functional transplanted mitochondria into host cells

The rates of change are notoriously unstable early during follow-up when a small number of datapoints are available

Such measurements now can be done using widely available hardware, combined with software that the authors have made freely available online

The location of VFL can be nearly as important as the presence of the loss itself

Issue 21-1

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