Your Special Attention For IGR 14-2
Clinical characterization of young Chinese myopes with optic nerve and
visual field changes resembling glaucoma
Kumar RS, Baskaran M, Singh
K, Aung T
Journal of Glaucoma 2012; 21: 281-286
Abstract no.772
A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study to assess the
efficacy of a 24-week topical treatment by latanoprost 0.1% on hair growth and
pigmentation in healthy volunteers with androgenetic alopecia
Blume-Peytavi U, Lönnfors S, Hillmann K, Garcia Bartels N
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2012; 66: 794-800
Abstract no.959
Do patients with glaucoma have difficulty recognizing faces?
Glen FC, Crabb DP, Smith ND, Burton R, Garway-Heath DF
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 3629-3637
Abstract no.
Under pressure: cellular and molecular responses during glaucoma, a
common neurodegeneration with axonopathy
Nickells RW, Howell GR, Soto I, John SW
Annual Review of Neuroscience 2012; 35: 153-179
Abstract no.
The changing face of primary open-angle glaucoma in the United States:
demographic and geographic changes from 2011 to 2050
Vajaranant TS, Wu S, Torres M, Varma R
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 154: 303-314
Abstract no.
The course of corneal and intraocular pressure changes during pregnancy
Efe YK, Ugurbas SC, Alpay A, Ugurbas SH
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 47: 150-154
Abstract no.
ExPRESS shunt surgery: Preferred glaucoma surgery in residency training?
Freidl KB, Moster MR
Survey of Ophthalmology 2012; 57: 372-375
Abstract no.
In vivo imaging of lamina cribrosa pores by adaptive optics scanning
laser ophthalmoscopy
Akagi T, Hangai M, Takayama K, Nonaka A, Ooto S, Yoshimura N
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 4111-4119
Abstract no.
Critical review: Vegetables and fruit in the prevention of chronic diseases
Boeing H, Bechthold A, Bub A, Ellinger S, Haller D, Kroke A, Leschik-Bonnet E, Müller MJ, Oberritter H, Schulze M, Stehle P, Watzl B
European Journal of Nutrition 2012; 51: 637-663
Abstract no.
Ophthalmic drug discovery: Novel targets and mechanisms for retinal diseases and glaucoma
Zhang K, Zhang L, Weinreb RN
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2012; 11: 541-559
Abstract no.
Meeting an unmet need in glaucoma: Continuous 24-h monitoring of intraocular pressure
Mansouri K, Weinreb RN
Expert Review of Medical Devices 2012; 9: 225-231
Abstract no.
Secondary neuroprotective effects of hypotensive drugs and potential mechanisms of action
Shih GC, Calkins DJ
Expert Review of Ophthalmology 2012; 7: 161-175
Abstract no.