Your Special Attention For IGR 20-4
Scleral structure and biomechanics
Boote C, Sigal IA, Grytz R, Hua Y, Nguyen TD, Girard MJA
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2020; 74: 100773
no. 82225
Update on the genetics of primary open-angle glaucoma
Youngblood H, Hauser MA, Liu Y
Experimental Eye Research 2019; 188: 107795
no. 82427
Review of the measurement and management of 24-hour intraocular pressure in
patients with glaucoma
Mansouri K, Tanna AP, De Moraes CG, Camp AS, Weinreb RN
Survey of Ophthalmology
2020; 65: 171-186
no. 82645
Which patients would most likely to benefit: MIGS or MEGS, which one is it?
Sheheitli H, Tirpack AR, Parrish RK
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology (Philadelphia,
Pa.) 2019; 8: 436-440
no. 82829
Latest developments in normal-pressure glaucoma: Diagnosis, epidemiology, genetics,
etiology, causes and mechanisms to management
Lee JWY, Chan PP, Zhang X, Chen LJ, Jonas JB
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology
(Philadelphia, Pa.) 2019; 8: 457-468
no. 82830