Your Special Attention For IGR 4-2
Glaucoma: squaring the psychophysics and neurobiology
Ansari EA, Morgan JE, Snowden RJ
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 86: 823-826
Abstract No.
'Advances in our insights into the functional changes occurring
in retinal ganglion cells in the early stages of the disease may help us develop
psychophysical tests to monitor early retinal ganglion cell damage, possibly
before neurons are committed to the process of cell death.'
Endothelin: is it a contributor to glaucoma pathophysiology?
Yorio T, Krishnamoorthy R, Prasanna G
Journal of Glaucoma 2002; 11: 259-270
Abstract No.
'Information on endothelin and receptors and what they do in
the eye, and: its role in glaucoma.'
Gene therapy for glaucoma: treating a multifaceted, chronic disease
Borras T, Brandt CR, Nickells R, Ritch R
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2513-2518
No abstract in IGR
'Genetherapy for glaucoma in a nutshell plus a look into the
Surgery for glaucoma in the 21st century
Khaw PT, Wells AP, Lim KS
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 86: 710-711
No abstract in IGR
'Critical notes on not-so-non-perforating surgery, preventable
complications of trabeculectomy and use of antimetabolites. Utopia approaching?'
Gene therapy: new 'magic bullets' to prevent ocular scarring
Khaw PT, Cambrey AD, Limb GA, Daniels JT
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 86: 490-492
No abstract in IGR
'Old and new ways for prevention of excessive scarring in filtering
surgery. The potential of an over 90% 'cure' rate.'
Intraocular pressure sensor: where are we - where will we go?
Walter P
Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2002; 240: 335-336
No abstract in IGR
'Will we be able to continuously register the exact IOP? A
pilot study is expected in 2003.'
Update on the use of prostaglandin analogs in glaucoma therapy
Survey of Ophthalmology 2002; 47: Supplement S1-S236
No abstract in IGR
'This Survey Supplement is a sort of latanoprost biography
with discussion of its relationship with the other prostaglandins. Essential
information on todays glaucoma treatment.'
The role of the posterior ciliary body in the biosynthesis of vitreous
Bishop PN, Takanosu M, Le Goff M, Mayne R.
Eye 2002; 16: 454-60
Abstract No.
Where does the vitreous come from? Even the internal limiting
membrane comes from the ciliary body.
Anterior segment dysgenesis and the developmental glaucomas are complex
Gould DB; John SWM
Human Molecular Genetics 2002; 11: 1185-1193
Abstract No.
This review highlights the complex, multifactorial nature of
these diseases and recent advances using mice.
Should betablockers be abandoned as initial monotherapy in chronic open
angle glaucoma? The controversy
Goldberg I.
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 86: 691-692
No abstract in IGR
In defense of change and of conservation. The reader will judge
for himself.
Peer review: Integrating input from authors, reviewers and editors
Sadun A, Cox TA, Minckler D
Ophthalmology 2002; 109:1419-1420
No abstract in IGR
On presenting and reviewing manuscripts. A well balanced editorial
which is a must for every author.
Matrix Metalloproteinases in disease and repair processes in the anterior
Wong TTL, Sethi C, Daniels JT, Limb GA, Murphy G, Khaw PT
Survey of Ophthalmology 2002; 47: 239-256
No abstract in IGR
MMP plays a significant role in woundhealing. The review describes
the potential to manipulate the scarring process through MMP''.
The reliability of clinical methods in ophthalmology
Margo CE, Harman LE, Mulla ZD
Survey of Ophthalmology 2002; 47: 375-386
No abstract in IGR
Description of the relative value of our clinical diagnosis
with examples of tonometry (3 mmHg inter-observer difference) and optic disk
evaluation (a.o. intra-observer difference in CDR)