Your Special Attention For IGR 6-2
Seeing the unseen: Microarray-based gene expression profiling
in vision
S. Zareparsi, A. Hero, D.J. Zack, R.W. Williams and A. Swaroop
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2004; 45: 2457-2462
Abstract no. 447
"New microarray technology for the aficionados."
Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis: new clues regarding
L. Gordon
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 138: 133-134
No abstract in IGR
"Is Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis caused by rubella?"
Value Based Medicine; let's get it right
M.M. Brown and G.C. Brown
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 88: 979
No abstract in IGR
"This is only the beginning of Value Based
Race and the risk of glaucoma
E. Miller
Archives of Ophthalmology 2004; 122: 909-910
No abstract in IGR
"Double risk in African Americans."
A risk calculator to determine the probability of glaucoma
S.L. Mansberger
Journal of Glaucoma 2004; 13: 345-347
No abstract in IGR
"To calculate or not to calculate."
Macular degeneration and glaucoma-like optic nerve head
W.L.M. Alward
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 138: 135-136
No abstract in IGR
"Is there more that a statistical relation between
ARMD and glaucoma?"
High-resolution functional optical imaging: From the
neocortex to the eye
A. Grinvald, T. Bonhoeffer, I. Vanzetta, A. Pollack, E. Aloni, R.
Ofri and D. Nelson
Ophthalmology Clinics of North America 2004; 17: 53-67
Abstract no. 507
"Imaging the brain in glaucoma."
Primary open-angle glaucoma
R.N. Weinreb and P.T. Khaw
Lancet 2004; 363: 1711-1720
Abstract no. 561
"Glaucoma in the Lancet."
Heat shock proteins, immunity and glaucoma
G. Tezel, J. Yang and M.B. Wax
Brain Res Bull 2004 Feb 15; 62: 473-80
Abstract no. IGR 6-1: 10
"Glaucoma as an auto-immune neuropathy including
Vaccination for glaucoma: dream or reality?
M. Schwartz
Brain Res Bull 2004 Feb 15; 62: 481-4
Abstract no. IGR 6-1: 312
"The well-known work of Michal Schwartz explained
by Michal Schwartz"
Pathogenetic aspects of the glaucomatous optic neuropathy:
fluorescein angiographic findings in patients with primary open
angle glaucoma
O. Arend, N. Plange, W.E. Sponsel and A. Remky
Brain Res Bull 2004 15; 62: 517-24
Abstract no. IGR 6-1: 117
"Good old fluorescein angiography for perfusion of
ONH and retina"